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What Is the Definition of Reciprocity Theorem

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A voltage source V is connected to the test antenna and the current flowing through the dipole antenna at different positions is measured with an ammeter. The current in the dipole antenna is nothing more than the electric field at different positions. Observe the pattern of the transmitting antenna (test antenna). With the application of the reciprocity theorem in the antenna, you now exchange the positions of voltage V and current measurement. According to the antenna theorem, the application of the reciprocity theorem is used in bilateral and linear networks. The reciprocity theorem is applicable to derive all the properties of the antennas mentioned in the section above. Now, one of the properties of antennas with reciprocity property is explained below. To solve the circuit or network using the reciprocity set, the circuit must be linear with connected resistors, inductors, capacitors, and coupled circuits. The reciprocity circuit does not contain any time-varying components. The internal resistance of the voltage source and the current source is zero because they are ideal. Circuit and antenna reciprocity theorems are special cases of the reciprocity theorem in linear electromagnetic systems. The reciprocity theorem in antenna theory is useful when an antenna is used in both transmitter and receive mode.

This theorem is an integral part of good antenna communication. According to the reciprocity theorem in the antenna, for each position of the dipole antenna, the ratio voltage (V) / current (I) is the same as before, which corresponds to the value obtained in the test antenna as a transmitting antenna. Therefore, it is proven that when applying the reciprocity defined in the antenna, the radiation pattern or directional pattern of a transmitting antenna is identical to that of the receiving antenna. There are many important lattice theorems in electromagnetism, because the reciprocity theorem is one of the most important. Using this theorem, we can construct physical intuition to determine whether a particular design is otherwise correct or wrong. This theorem also states that what is feasible or impractical in the design of many systems. However, with the help of mathematics in electromagnetism, this relationship is expressed with precision and brevity. This article discusses an overview of the reciprocity theorem.

which is synonymous with a condition of reciprocity. In other words, the ratio between the current of one port and the voltage of another is the same when the controlled and measured ports are replaced. Thus, reciprocity is proven for the case of n = 2 {displaystyle n=2}. [8] Suppose we want to check the validity of the reciprocity rate in the x-y and a-b branches. To do this, we first find the current through the branch a-b as below. From the experience of the reciprocity theorem above, it is proved that the response I of the network is the same as before and after replacing the positions of the voltage source and the power source. Therefore, the revision of the reciprocity rate has been carried out. According to the reciprocity theorem in linear and bilateral networks are the conditions of reciprocity of the given network, so we note that in the first circuit, the sources in the x-y branch and the a-b branch current can be 1.43A.

Similarly, once the source is in the a-b branch, the current in an x-y branch becomes 1.43 A. This therefore proves the reciprocity theorem. The statement of the reciprocity theorem seems a bit confusing, but wait, I`ll explain this theorem here in detail to make it crystal clear to you. Let`s look at the circuit below. Thus, this is an overview of the reciprocity theorem – statement, reciprocity theorem circuit theory, antenna reciprocity theorem, reciprocity theorem experiment, verification of the reciprocity theorem and application of the antenna reciprocity theorem. This theorem is used in both circuit theory and field theory. Here`s a question for you: “What are the applications of the reciprocity theorem in circuit theory?” The reciprocity of circuit theory is a special case of Lorentz`s reciprocity theorem. The reciprocity of circuit theory applies when the sources are mixed elements and the reactions are voltage or current measurements.

In such a system, Lorentz reciprocity is reduced to the reciprocity of circuit theory. Equality in directional models: The directional models of the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna are identical. This statement shows that the reciprocity theorem is applicable in the antenna. .